We've Moved!

Big news that has been in the works since July… we have a new forever home! Thanks to the support of this community and the many people who have believed in me and supported me along the way, we purchased the forever home for the private practice. If you know me, you know this has been my dream from the beginning, and starting January 2, 2019, it is reality.

I will post in more detail soon about this crazy journey of commercial property ownership and renovations; everything from signage variances to installing a changing table in the bathroom to wheelchair accessibility. I’ve made modifications to a historic structure made in 1839 to reflect my values and meet the needs of my patients and their families. There are a few added bonuses too, like an amazing view of the Erie Canal from the waiting room and a dedicated space for assessments and testing.

I hope you love the new space as much as I do! If you’re looking it up, the former business name is Positive Healing & Wellness, and Training Grounds LLC before that. This is an exciting opportunity to help others, and I am holding in my heart the hope of reaching and serving more families in this building.