Finding the Right Provider

I was recently asked by the Rochester Regional Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder (RRCASD) to write an Information Sheet that helps to address a very important question:

What do I do now?

This is a question I often faced in diagnostic clinic when a caregiver receives a diagnosis and is feeling uncertain about what to do next. As part of the diagnostic process, the caregiver will receive a plan that outlines recommended next steps. While hopefully helpful, this document is more of a road map than a how-to guide, and these next steps often involve finding new providers for ongoing support.  The next important question caregivers face is:

How do I find the "right" provider?

I wrote this document to help address this question in an organized way. I try to define things like: what type of providers are out there, and what is the difference between them (e.g., what does that alphabet soup of certifications even mean?)  I also outline types of services, service delivery formats, and how to choose the right therapist for the patient and family. This all may sound a bit familiar if you have navigated around my website.

I am grateful for the Rochester Regional Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder (RRCASD) distributing this resource and hope that it provides some clarity and concrete next steps for families trying to figure out the next steps after a loved one receives a new diagnosis.